What is Brazing, Welding and Soldering

5 minute read

    What is Brazing -  

    The method of applying rigid joints on two identical and different metals is called brazing. Spelter or silver solder are used to add to it

    What is Spalter: -  

    It is made in three ratios and uses it according to the job. Its melting point is 600 degrees centigrade.




    Silver solder-

    Its melting point is less than the melting point of the splatter, it is used for soldering in metals of silver, gold, German silver etc. It is made in four proportions.

    Copper 33 %
    Silver 67%

    To solder in silver items
    Copper 20%
    Silver  70%
    Zinc 10%
    For soldering in silver jewelery
    Copper 20
    Silver  10
    Gold 70
    To solder in gold jewelery
    Copper 33
    Zinc 55
    Nikel 10
    To solder in german silver

    The following methods of brazing are -

    1. Torch Brazing
    2. Deep Brazing
    3. Induction Brazing
    4. Furnace brazing
    5. Blow pipe brazing

    Swatting: -

    To fill deep and rough areas with solder is called swatting, such as connecting the plug with current, etc. The metals joining it are thoroughly cleaned and heated, then the splatter is mixed with borax flux and spread on the joint.This method is similar to a type of braze welding. It is used such as carbide tip, tap and It is used to make radiators etc. to repair cast iron to add fittings etc.

    Difference between soldering and brazing: -


    Lead and tin alloys are used in soldering.
    Alloys of copper, zinc, copper silver and zinc are used in brazing.
    Different types of flux are used for soldering.
    Borax is used only in brazing.
    Soldering joints are weak.
    Brazing joints are strong
    For soldering, the solder is melted and soldered by soldering iron.
    By heating the metal in the brazing, the smelter is melted at the appropriate temperature
    Can easily be separated by heating the joint of soldering
    The brazing parts cannot be separated by heating in the previous state.
    Soldering requires less heat
    Brazing requires a higher temperature.

    What is Welding -
    The process of adding metals by heating or melting the metals too much is called welding. In this, the filler metal melts and joins the molten part of the metal and forms a good weld joint when cooled.

    Types Of Welding-

    There are two types of welding -
    1.Arch Welding -
    The act of joining pieces of metals by electric arc is called electric arc welding. It is of the following type
    (A) Metal Arc Welding
    (B) Carbon arc welding
    (C) helium or argon arc welding
    (D) Hydrogen arc welding
    2. gas welding-

    Gas welding is a very important welding process in which the gas is ignited with the help of oxygen and the filler material is melted at high temperatures with the help of a concentrated fire and applied to the welding point so that it is melted to the wedding point.

    Solder size-

    Soldering is found in solder wire consisting of rods, wire and fluxes, according to strengths. The maximum solder is used for soldering iron.

    How many types of soldering methods-

    The following methods of soldering are-
    1. by electric soldering iron
    2. By Blow Lamp
    3. By dip soldering
    4. By web soldering

    Soldering by electric soldering iron -

    Soldering iron bits are made of copper. For this purpose 35 watt, 65 watt or 125 watt soldering iron is used. The soldering joint is heated when the bit is heated. The solder is melted on the joint by applying a little bit of flux to the joint and applying a bit of solder to the bit. Solder and soldering iron are removed when the joint is well filled. If the solder is overcooked at some place, then it is removed from the soldering.
    Soldering Iron

    In dip soldering, dip the joint in molten solder for 2 to 3 seconds. Which has a temperature of 250 degree centigrade.

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