Electrician Theory ||DC Machine Important Points - 04||

4 minute read
1. The shunt field current must be increased to control the drop in terminal voltage on the load.

2. In the brake test, if the diameter of the brake drum is 20 cm and the spring balance shows 10 kg and 20 kg respectively, the torque will be 6 kg.

3. A dc The shunt generator is producing 220 volts at normal speed without load. If suddenly its field circuit is opened then the generated voltage will be 10 to 15 volts.

4. The yokes of the Small capacity DC machines are made of cast iron.

5. The number of parallel paths in a duplex coating is twice the number of poles.

6. A compound generator that is connected like a differential compound is suitable for welding generators.

7. Back EMF in DC motor Opposes Supply EMF

8. One of the main reasons for the voltage in the shunt generator is the residual magnetism in the Poles.

9. The speed of the DC motor is inversely proportional to per pole.

10. Mica is used as an insulator substance among the commutator segment.

11. Simplex wave widening has two parallel paths.

12. Self excited D.C. Generator must have residual magnetism without its generator will not generate emf.

13. The torque of the dc motor is proportional to the armature current and the field current.

14. Its shunt field resistance value must be less than the field critical resistance value for the dc shunt generator to become a voltage.

15. The range field current in the long shunt compound generator is equal to the Ise armature current.

16. As the load is applied on the DC series motor, its speed decreases.

17. Brush carries the potential difference from the external circuit to the coils.

18. The armature core is laminated to minimize eddy current losses.

19. Initially as the shunt field current increases, the voltage produced also increases, but after some time it becomes stable.

20. To change the rotation direction of the DC shunt motor, only the armature connections have to be changed.

21. External characteristics indicate efficiency at the load of the generator.

22. When the load on the dc series motor is increased, its torque also increases.

23. The commutator segment is made of hard drawn copper.

24. As the speed of the dc generator increases, the voltage generated to a certain range also increases.

25. In the lap winding, the positions of the brushes on the commutator will be equal to the number of field poles.

26. A 120 volt DC Motor whose armature resistance is 0.5 Ohm when the back emf If 110 volts, it will take a current of 20 amperes.

27. When the torque is increased on the dc series motor, the speed of the motor decreases.

28. In some magnetic materials, even after removing the magnetic force, some amount of magnetism remains in it, this property is called retentivity of magnetic material.

29. The field coils are wired with enameled copper wire.

30. The position of the brushes in the wave widening shall be a minimum of two irrespective of the number of field poles.

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