Electrician Theory ||DC Machine Important Points - 07||

5 minute read
1. DC for insulation resistance testing The most suitable power supply is. When conducting continuity testing of terminals of the same winding, the magger's pointer should rotate to zero value.

2. A 10hp 250 volt DC The full load current of the motor will be about 30 amperes.
3. A
D.C. differential compound generator To convert to an over compound generator, the connection of the series field winding has to be changed.

4. The name plate of the dc shunt generator has a rated voltage of 230 volts and a current of 20 amperes. Then its output will be 5 kW.

5. The armature of the dc motor is laminated to reduce the eddy current losses.

6. A 4 pole, simplex lap wound armature has 4 parallel paths.

7. The core being in a saturated state produces maximum flux in field winding.

8. The mechanical power source for rotating a generator is called Prime Mover in common language.

9. A 220 volt DC Machine whose armature resistance is 0.5 Ohm. If the armature current is 20 amperes then the emf generated when using it as a generator will be 230 volts and 210 volts when using it like a motor.

10. The dc generator is added to a series of long transmission lines when it is called a booster.

11. The dc shunt generator is carrying 20 amperes at 230 volts. If the load circuit suddenly opens, the terminal voltage will increase.

12. The field winding of the series motor is made of thick wire and low turns.

13. The number of parallel paths in the 8 poles Simplex Wave Wound Armature is two.

14. When a conductor is rotated in the magnetic field, an electrical potential in the conductor is generated due to induction.

15. The electrical carrying force generated in the separate excited generator at constant speed depends on the power of the field flux.

16. A 2 kW, 200 volt D.C. generator will supply 10 amperes of load current.

17. The reason for sparking at the ends of carbon brushes is commutation because of the statically generated emf in the short winding element during commutation.

18. When measuring insulation resistance by the magger, testing should be given proper time until the meter pointer becomes stable.

19. If the load and flux of the dc motor is kept constant and the parallel voltage of the armature is increased by 5 percent, then the speed of the motor will also increase by about 5 percent.

20. The speed of the dc series motor will be reduced if the flux of its field winding is increased.

21. The magnetisation curve starts from zero slightly above the residual magnetism.

22. Super enameled copper wire is used in armature winding of the dc generator.

23. If the conductor is stationary and has to generate dynamically electro motive force (EMF) then it is necessary that the magnetic field is rotated over the conductor.

24. The speed of the motor is inversely proportional to the flux per pole.

25. As the load is applied on the dc series motor, its speed decreases.

26. The load on the dc series motor is increased, its torque also increases.

27. When Torque on the dc series motor is increased, the speed of the motor decreases.

28. Before the field pole or armature core was saturated. The torque of the
D.C. series motor is proportional to the square of the armature current.

29. DC. series motor should not start without load.

30. The two point starter, used to start the series motor, reduces the starting current at the time of starting.

31. The speed of the dc series motor is inversely proportional to the load torque.

32. The dc series  motor is used for traction.

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