ITI Electrician Electrostatics Objective Type Question Answer In English ||01||

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1. Which of the subsequent statements is correct ?
(A) Air capacitors have a black band to point the surface foil
(B) electrolytic must be connected within the correct polarity
(C) Ceramic capacitors must be connected within the correct polarity
(D) Mica capacitors are available in capacitance value of 1 to 10 pF
Answer- (B)

2. The dissipation factor of a good dielectric is of the order of
(A) 0.0002
(B) 0.002
(C) 0.02
(D) 0.2
Answer- (A)

3. The units of capacitance are
(A) volts/coulomb
(B) coulombs/volt
(C) ohms
(D) henry/Wb
Answer- (B)

4. If three 15 uF capacitors are connected in series, the net
capacitance is
(A) 5 uF
(B) 30 uF
(C) 45 uF
(D) 50 uF
Answer- (A)

5. The capacitance of a capacitor is not affected by
(A) distance between plates
(B) area of plates
(C) thickness of plates
(D) all of the above
Answer- (C)

6. Which of the subsequent isn't a vector ?
(A) Linear momentum
(B) Angular momentum
(C) Electric field
(D) Electric potential
Answer- (B)

7. Two plates of a parallel plate capacitor after being charged from a constant voltage source are separated apart by means of insulated handles, then the
(A) Voltage across the plates increases
(B) voltage across the plates decreases
(C) charge on the capacitor decreases
(D) charge on the capacitor increases
Answer- (C)

8. the power of charged bodies to exert force on 6ne another is attributed to the existence of
(A) electrons
(B) protons
(C) neutrons
(D) electric field
Answer- (D)

9. If the sheet of a bakelite is inserted between the plates of an air
capacitor, the capacitance will
(A) decrease
(B) increase
(C) remains unchanged
(D) become zero
Answer- (B)

10. A capacitor stores 0.24 coulombs at 10 volts. Its capacitance is
(A) 0.024 F
(B) 0.12 F
(C) 0.6 F
(D) 0.8 F
Answer- (A)

11. If A.C. voltage is applied to capacitive circuit, the alternating
current can flow in the circuit because
(A) varying voltage produces the charging and discharging currents
(B) of high peak value
(C) charging current can flow
(D) discharge current can flow
Answer- (A)

12. If three 10 uF capacitors are connected in parallel, the net
capacitance is
(A) 20 uF
(B) 30 uE
(C) 40 uF
(D) 50 uF
Answer- (B)

13. A dielectric material must be
(A) resistor
(B) insulator
(C) good conductor
(D) semi conductor
Answer- (B)

14. An electrolytic capacitor can be used for
(A) D.C. only
(B) AC. only
(C) both D.C. as well as A.C.
(D) None of the above
Answer- (A)

15. Voltage applied across a ceramic dielectric produces an electrolytic field 100 times greater than air. What will be the worth of dielectric constant ?
(A) 50
(B) 100
(C) 150
(D) 200
Answer- (B)

16. The lines of force due to charged particles are
(A) always straight
(B) always curved
(C) sometimes curved
(D) none of the above
Answer- (B)

17. The electric field at a point situated at a distance d from straight charged conductor is
(A) proportional to d
(B) inversely proportional to d
(C) inversely proportional to d
(D) none of the above
Answer- (B)

18. The direction of electric field due +0 positive charge is .
(A) away from the charge
(B) towards the charge
(C) both (A) and (B)
(D) none of the above
Answer- (A)

19. A field line and an equipotential surface are
(A) always parallel
(B) always at 90°
(C) inclined at any angle 0
(D) none of the above
Answer- (B)

20. for creating a capacitor, it's better to pick a dielectric having
(A) low permittivity
(B) high permittivity
(C) permittivity same as that of air
(D) permittivity slightly more than that of air
Answer- (B)

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