3 Phase Induction Motor MCQ With Answer -2, these questions are important for Online AITT CBT Exam of Electrician First Year Trade, all questions are based on NIMI pattern (NSQF Level 5). This question is also important for other competitive exams like Technical Helper, RRB, ALP, Metro, Technician, JDVVNL, JVVNL, UPPCL etc.
3 Phase Induction Motor MCQ With Answer -2
1. What is the higher the resistance of the external cage of the motor?
(A) starting torque
(C) Starting Current
(D) Starting voltage
Answer- (A)
2. Who maintains the torque at the time of running of the motor-
(A) External Cage
(B) Internal Cage
(C) both
(D) None
Answer- (B)
3. Why is the speed of the squirrel cage motor fixed?
(A) By rotating the rotor
(B) by stator penetration
(C) Winding
(D) from the pole of the pole
Answer- (A)
4. Single and double cage motor speed remains at zero load to full load
(A) Convertible
(B) unstable
(C) stable
(D) All of the above
Answer- (C)
5. Which of the following is the starting torque of single and double cage motors
(A) Single Cage
(B) Double Cage
(C) Both
(D) None
Answer- (A)
6. Single cage motors are used
(A) on load
(B) at light load
(C) at heavy load
(D) at no load
Answer- (D)
7. Double cage motors are used
(A) on load
(B) at light load
(C) at heavy load
(D) at no load
Answer- (B)
8. The lathe machine is the motor used in the grinder, water pump
(A) Single Cage
(B) Double Cage
(C) Both
(D) None
Answer- (A)
9. Textile meal, slatter, cutting tool is the motor used in the machine.
(A) Single Cage
(B) Double Cage
(C) Both
(D) None
Answer- (B)
10. What defect is found in squirrel cage motor?
(A) magnetic locking
(B) magnetic choking
(C) magnetic talking
(D) None
Answer- (A)
11. Number of rotor slots are kept to overcome magnetic locking
(A) 2,4,6
(B) 10,20,30
(C) 100,200,300
(D) 11,13,17,23
Answer- (D)
12. Which rotor is used in the slip ring motor?
(A) Single Cage
(B) Double Cage
(C) Wound
(D) None
Answer- (C)
13. What is a rotor with winding called?
(A) Single Cage
(B) Double Cage
(C) Wound
(D) None
Answer- (C)
14. Who gives the three phase supply slip ring
(A) copper
(B) Carbon brushes
(C) Brass
(D) Semiconductor
Answer- (B)
15. The motor used in compressors, cranes, still mills, printing presses is
(A) slip ring motor
(B) Squirrel Cage
(C) Stepper motor
(D) Replacement Motor
Answer- (A)
16. Which motor to maintain is zero or negligible
(A) slip ring motor
(B) Squirrel Cage
(C) Stepper motor
(D) Replacement Motor
Answer- (B)
17. The slip ring is used to start the motor.
(B) Star Delta
(C) Direct current
(D) 3 phase rheostat
Answer- (D)
18. The slip ring is the power factor of the motor
(A) 0.5 to 0.6
(B) 0.4 to 0.6
(C) 0.5 to 0.8
(D) 0.8 to 0.9
Answer- (D)
19. Which motor's rotation speed is difficult to change
(A) slip ring motor
(B) Squirrel Cage
(C) Stepper motor
(D) Replacement Motor
Answer- (B)
20. Squirrel cage motor has a starting current.
(A) 5 times the load current
(B) 4 times the load current
(C) 3 times the load current
(D) 2 times the load current
Answer- (A)