What is a neutron


What is a neutron

What is a neutron

In this topic today, we will understand about a particle which is called a neutron, which is found in its nucleus inside the atom. 

We know that two elements are found inside the nucleus of any atom, one of which is proton and the other is neutron. 

But in this topic today, we will not talk about protons, in this topic we will understand neutron in detail like who discovered what neutron is.

Apart from this, which charge is positive or negative or whether this charge is low and its mass, what are its properties, what are its uses, etc. 

We will understand all these things one by one in detail, so first of all let's start with what it is and where it is found.

Neutron was first discovered by scientist James Chadwick in 1932 and based on his experiments, he stated that neutron is a type of sub-atomic particle which is found in the nucleus of any atom. 

And there is no charge on the neutron, that is, it is a negatively charged particle. 

The reason for this is that as much of the positive charge is on it, there is also a negative charge and thus the sum of the total charge together becomes zero so it Charge is also called inferior particle.

The neutron is found inside almost all atoms except for the hydrogen atom. And protons and neutrons are bound by a nuclear force in the nucleus inside all the atoms, due to which the nucleus of the atom is very stable and similarly the neutron is a very useful particle for the stability of the nucleus inside any atom. Inside

And there is also some mass of neutron which is more than the mass of proton, its total mass is equal to about 1. 675 × 10 -27 kg and thus mass of neutron to find the mass of nucleus of any atom. 

It is also very important because when the atomic mass of any atom is extracted, the number of protons present in the nucleus of the atom and the number of Neutron present in the same nucleus is used and the sum of both is obtained. 

The atomic mass of that atom is called. Now we talk about its properties that its cones have properties.

Properties of neutrons

When we talk about its properties, it has some kind of qualities like

1 . It does not exist inside the nucleus of any atom, but when the Neutron is pushed too fast outside the nucleus, the radiation produced by it is quite dangerous.

2. One of its properties is that when a neutron is free, then the free neutron is very unstable particle.

3. It is a charge less particle i.e. it does not participate in any kind of electromagnetic attraction or repulsion like action and does not produce any kind of Ionization over the atom.

4. There is no electrical charge of any kind on it, so it can very easily Penetrate the electron shells of the nucleus of any atom, the Kullam field of the nucleus does not affect them.

5. When they are placed in an Isolated space, they have a Decay Half Life of About 15 minutes and Decay is in the form of protons, electrons and anti neutrinos. This process is called Beta Decay. Where Beta means electron. And the result of this process is that the space is de voided as Free Neutron.

In this way, we have seen that neutrons have some important properties, now we will see what are the uses of them.

Neutron Uses

When we talk about the use of neutrons, it is used in many fields such as -

1. Many types of Neutron Radiation are also produced using it which are used for many types of reactions.

2. It is now a days being used for making various types of chemical reactions and nuclear power.

3 . Now a days Neutron bombs are also being made using it.

4. It is also being used as a Neutron Scattering facility, which is used in X-Ray to perform many types of research.

5. It is also used for Neutron activation analysis, in which neutrons are used for the excitation of Delayed and Triggered Gamma rays of the Material Component.

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