DC Generator MCQs In English -03

5 minute read

This question is important for the Online Trade CBT Exam for the 2nd year, the entire question is based on the NIMI pattern (NSQF Level 5).

This question is also important for other competitive exams like JE, Technial Helper, RRB, ALP, Metro, Technician, JDVVNL, JVVNL, UPPCL, DRDO etc.

DC Generator MCQs In English-03

1. Welding Generator
(A) lap winding
(B) Wave winding
(C) Delta Winding
(D) duplex wave winding
Answer : (A)

2. In case of D.C. machine winding, the commutator segments is equal to the number of
(A) Number of armature coils
(B) Number of armature coil sides
(C) Number of armature conductors
(D) Number of armature changes
Answer: (A)

3. Which D.C. Types of supplies would be appropriate For the laboratory of D.C. machines
(A) rotary converter
(B) Mercury is rectifier
(C) Induction Motor D.C Generator Set
(D) synchronous motor D.C. generator set
Answer: (C)

4.  The function of pole shoes in a D.C. machine
(A) To reduce the reluctance of the magnetic path

(B) To stretch the flux to achieve the same flux density
(C) to support the field coil
(D) To discharge all the above functions
Answer: (D)

5. The resultant pitch is in case of lap winding
(A) Multiplication of front and back pitches
(B) Division of front pitch by back pitch
(C) The sum of pitches forward and backward
(D) Difference between front and back pitches
Answer: (D)

6. is a DC welding generator
(A) lap winding
(B) Wave winding
(C) duplex winding
(D) any of the above
Answer: (A)

7. In a D.C generator, the external circuit from the armature is current by
(A) commutator
(B) Solid connection
(C) slip ring
(D) None of the above
Answer: (A)

8. D.C. Machines are made of brushes
(A) Carbon
(B) soft copper
(C) Hard copper
Answer: (A)

9. The armature core of the D.C. generator is usually made
(A) Silicon Steel
(B) copper
(C) Non-ferrous Materials
(D) Cast iron
Answer: (A)

10. Required for satisfactory commutation of D.C. machines
(A) Brush should be of proper grade and size
(B) Should be easy to move in brush holders
(C) Smooth, concentric commutator properly undercut
Answer: (D)

11. The commutator segments are connected to the armature conductor
(A) copper lugs
(B) resistance wires
(C) Insulation Pad
(D) brazing
Answer: (A)

12. In the D.C. machine, fractional pitch winding is used
(A) to increase the generated voltage
(B) to reduce sparking
(C) To save copper due to short end connection
(D) Because of (B) and (C) above
Answer: (D)

13. Two or more D.C. compound generators parallel operation, we must ensure
(A) The voltage of the incoming generator should be the same as the bus bar
(B) Polarity of incoming generator should be same as bus bar
(C) All series fields must be run in parallel through parallel connections
(D) The series fields of all generators must be either on the positive side or the negative side of the armature.
Answer: (D)

14. If B is the flux density, then L is the length of the conductor and V the velocity of the conductor, then the induced e.m.f. is given by
(B) BLV2
(C) BL^2V
(D) BL^2V^2
Answer: (A)

15. In case of A 4-pole D.C.generator provided with two layer lap windings with sixteen coils, the pole pitch will be
(A) 4
(B) 8
(C) 16
(D) 32
Answer: (B)

16. The number of mechanical degree and electrical degree in D.C generator will be same when
(A) RPM Is over 300
(B) R.P. P.M. Is less than 300
(C) Number of poles is 4
(D) Number of poll is 2
Answer: (D)

17. The reciprocal of permeance is
(A) flux density
(B) reluctance
(C) Ampere-turn
(D) resistance
Answer: (B)

18. produces polarity of interpol in D.C.
(A) similar to the front pole
(B) similar to the previous pole
(C) opposite to the main pole
Answer: (A)

19. EMF in DC generator Is directly proportional to generate
(A) Flux / pole
(B) armature speed
(C) Number of Polls
Answer: (B)

20. In a D.C generator, the magnetic neutral axis coincides with the geometrical neutral axis, when
(A) There is no load on the generator
(B) The generator runs at full load
(C) Generator runs at overload
(D) The generator runs at the designed speed
Answer: (A)

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