Why is Buchholz relay tripped

3 minute read
The Buchholz Relay Transformer has a safety device that predicts the Transformer from damage caused by the Electric Fault and prevents burns.

Buchholz Relay is a gas-based relay that operates due to the gas generated from the transformer's oil and protects the transformer.

What is Buchholz relay

There are some parts in transformers about which people are often less aware. But due to these parts, Transformer protects itself.

In today's article, we will learn about one such part of Transformer Buchholz Relay. If you want to know what is Buchholz Relay in Transformer and what is its use in Transformer, then this article may be important for you.

Buchholz Relay These relays are gas-powered relays that cause the insulation of oil-filled transformers to deteriorate, the core to overheat, or any type of internal malfunction that causes the oil to overheat at a specified rate. Due to which the transformer warns and saves the bell by malfunctioning due to faults.

Due to some kind of internal malfunction, the oil becomes very hot and vapor, due to which this relay operates and through this relay alerts the operator by sounding an alarm at low faults and tripping the entire circuit in case of more faults.

The Buchholz relay stays in the pipe connecting the conservator and the transformer.

Why is Buchholz relay tripped

It consists of an iron shell. In which float A and B are hanging, it is also known as Mercury Switch. 

Both these floats are such that when the oil is full and the transformer is working, then the contact points of both are open. When a minor malfunction occurs, such as a two-turn insulation malfunctioning, turn shorts or the core is overheating when the transformer is overloading, the oil temperature rises causing the oil to begin to evaporate. . They pass through a thin relay of gas and collect above float A. When the gas pressure is high, float A presses downwards to turn on the circuit of the alarm and the alarm sounds to alert the operator that there is a malfunction in the transformer.

In the case of more faults, such as internal short circuits, in phases, when the isolation is poor or the bushings get punctured, a gas is produced which when pushed through the pipe, by pushing float B, switches the trip circuit on. By disconnecting the entire transformer from the circuit.

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