Why transformer rating is in KVA why not in KW

2 minute read

Why transformer rating is in KVA why not in KW : A transformer is an AC device that is used to more or less voltage and current. Therefore, it is used everywhere, even in small appliances and large power stations. Why is the rating of the transformer in KVA. And why not in KW. Before leaving you should know what is KVA and KW.

Actually the power rating of the transformer is stated in VA. In this, K is applied to the killo. For example, the weight of an object is told in grams. But if that item is heavier than 1 kg then it is said to be in kilogram. Similarly, the rating of the transformer is stated in VA.

VA = Voltage X Current (Ampere)

W = Voltage X Current (Ampere) X cos ɸ (Power Factor) 

The power factor comes in the watt which depends on the load connected to the transformer. The load will be the same as the power factor.

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