Safety Precautions in Electrical Workshop

6 minute read

    What Causes of accident in workshop-

    Suddenly such an event happens which is not expected and its result is also bad, then it is called an accident. Accidents can never be eliminated, but they can be made less urgent. If we review the accidents in the workshop, then the following reasons can be-
    1. An accident occurs due to lack of adequate knowledge of tools, equipment, machinery and working methods.
    2. An accident occurs because of not being aware of the objections to come.
    3. If there is no knowledge of running any machine, operating it causes an accident.
    4. Any work done in haste causes an accident.
    5. An accident occurs by working more than your physical capacity.
    6. Accident occurs due to lack of necessary tools, equipment and machine.
    7. Not being in discipline while working also causes an accident.
    8. Accidents also occur due to use of wrong tools.
    9. Accidents also occur due to lack of cleanliness of the workplace and lack of light and air at the workplace.

    What Necessary Safety Rules for an Electrician -

    A good electrician should remember that Vidut is a good servant but not a good master. In order to avoid accidents, one should always make a habit of doing all the work as per rules. At the same time the following rules should always be followed.
    1. Concentration of mind should remain towards work while starting work related to power.
    2. The floor of the workshop should be kept clean and in the best condition of tools.
    3. Only qualified persons should do the electrical work.
    4. Never put soldering iron on the bench or table in case of switch on.
    5. The bare driver should never touch.
    6. No sharp tools should be kept in the pocket.
    7. Always check if there is any person working on that line before turning on the supply.
    8. Tools should never hang on wires while working on Siropari lines.
    9. While working on Siropari lines, both the pole and the conductor should be shortened by rest.
    10. No wires should be attached to the workshop that have removed the insulation.
    11. Do not work on energetic circuits connected to power, rubber gloves and mats must be used if necessary.
    12. The fuse must be disassembled or replaced only after the circuit switch is turned off.
    13. Only fuses of appropriate capacity should be used in the circuit.
    14. Switch panels should be closed only while standing on control rubber gears, etc. when working or closing gears etc.
    15. To prevent slipping at the time of use of the ladder, the assistant should stand up to stop the ladder.
    16. Three pin or five pin socket plugs should be used only when they are in good condition. Only accessories with ISI standard should be used.
    17. Safety belts should always be used while working on pillars or high places.
    18. Never place your hands on the moving part of rotating machines.
    19. Wearing loose arms shirt or swinging tie should never work on the moving parts and gears of the motor or generator.
    20. Fuse carriers for circuits that are switched off should be disassembled and kept in a safe place in proper protection. And a plate should be placed on the switch which says that humans are working on the line.
    21. The connection of electrical equipment should be tight. Loosely connected cables can become hot and cause a fire hazard.
    22. Do not waste anything from the internal parts of machines and switch gears.
    23. Static voltage must be discharged from high voltage lines or devices and capacitors.
    24. Never use earthing with water lines.
    25. Water should not be used on legitimate equipment.
    26. Knowledge of first aid and fire extinguishing should be completely done.
    27. One should not go to the workshop or to do electrical work without wearing rubber shoes and shoes should always be without forts.
    28. Battery charging room should be clean and well ventilated.
    29. While preparing electrolyte, acid should be added drop by drop in water.
    30. If there is a fire in the wires of the power, then water should not be put on it. The mains switch should be closed and sand or soil should be set on the fire.

    How to Prevention From Accident-

    To avoid accidents, the following should be adopted-
    1. Safety signs should be put in the form of posters so that while working at the workplace, keep in mind which precautions should be taken.
    2. Phase wire should always be controlled by the switch itself.
    3. A sign of danger must be put on electrical appliances and machines.
    4. Themain switch must be turned off before replacing the blown fuse.
    5. Every machine must have a chart of precautions related to accidents of that machine.
    6. To separate a plug top from a socket, its wires should not be held or pulled.
    7. A first aid poster must be put in every workshop.
    8. Fire extinguishers buckets filled with sand, fire extinguishers should be kept in the correct place.
    9. In every workshop, industry, house, place the main switch in such a place where people can reach easily.
    10. Before handing over any machine, its earthing defect must be checked.
    11. Each tool should be put in the correct position together in the tool kit.

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