What Is Safety Signs

3 minute read

    What Is Safety Sign -

    Any workshop, construction site or traffic is made of safety signs everywhere, which gives the necessary information, so the information of the following types of signs should be obtained and work accordingly. They are of the following four types:

    How Many Types Of Safety Sign-

    1. Prohibitive Signs

    2. Required symbol

    3. Informational Symbols

    4. Warning sign

    1. Prohibitive Signs -

         I. These signs forbid doing wrong actions.

         II. Their shape is circular.

         III. The border and red color cross is made in these signs.

         IV. Their background is white and black is made up of signs.

         V. Examples of prohibitive signs are not to smoke, not to extinguish the burning fire, etc.

    2. Mandatory Signs -

         I. Before and after the work is ordered by these signs.

         II. Their shape is circular.

        III. They have a blue background with white sign on it.

         IV. These signs urge to wear gloves, hats, glasses, shoes, masks etc.

    3. Informative Signs -

         I. Safety-related information is provided by these signs.

         II. Their shape is square.

         III. Their background is green and the sign is white.

        IV. To provide information about first aid team, drinking water, men and women toiletries.

    4. Warning Signs -

        I. Warnings of danger coming from these signs such as electric shocks, fear of fire etc.

        II. Their shape is triangle.

       III. The background of these signs is yellow and the signs and borders are black.

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