Fundamentals of Electricity

6 minute read

    Fundamentals of Electricity

    Principle of power-

    The flow of electrons in one direction in a conductor is called power. The Greek philosopher Thales observed that when rubbing Aber on a piece of silk cloth, it has the quality of attracting small pieces of paper, pith hair, etc. Amber in Greek is called an electron. Therefore this property produced in amber in this method is called Vidhut.

    Benjamin Franklin also discovered the fluid theory of electricity according to which current flows from the positive terminal of the source to the negative terminal. There are basically two types of power

    How many Types of electric -

    1. Static Electric
    2. Dynamic Electric

    1. Static electrical- It is known from the research of scientists that metals have a tendency to release electrons and non-metals have an tendency to take electrons. Therefore, if rubbing the glass with silk, the free electrons of the glass rod will go on the silk, then this rod will become positively charged and the silk loan will be charged due to the decrease in electrons and increase in percentage. Conversely, if the ebony rod is rubbed with flannel, the ebony rod will become negatively charged and this negative charge will remain in the ebony rod until the electrons are removed from any external means. Thus the power generated by friction is called static power. The power generated in this way cannot be produced in very large quantities, but many types of devices are made with this effect.
    2. Dynamic power-
    It is also called electric current and it can be easily carried from one place to another through wires and cables. It can be produced in large quantities. The following effects can be used to produce it-
    1. Electromagnetic induction - This is the most important method of generating power and it is the method by which power can be produced for all functions. When a conductor is rotated between a stationary magnetic field, the emf in the conductor is Is generated. In a way, it is the flowing force of electrons. This power is called mobile power. D.C. And A.C. Can be generated in both forms.
    2. By chemical action - In the primary cell, the electrical energy can be generated by chemical activity, but it cannot be generated in very large quantities. It is used in electronics equipment, automobiles and special operations.
    3. By the effect of heat - this is called thermocouple method. In this, the junction point of two different types of metals is heated, then the dynamic power is obtained at its ends. In this method, the heating points of two different substances, such as bismuth-antimony, copper-iron, copper-constants, etc., produce very little electrical carrying force. The power generated in this way is often used in thermal power thermometer. This method is not useful for other practical work.
    4. With the effect of light power - such devices on which sunlight falls, they become functional. In this method, when light rays are incident on the surface of a metal such as zinc or cesium, electrons are emitted from the metal, which causes very little current to flow in the circuit. This method is being used to generate electricity from solar energy, but it cannot be produced in very large quantities.

    Electron theory

    According to this theory, all substances are made up of molecules. Anions can be divided into atoms. Each atom has a large middle section, called a nucleus, which consists of particles called protons and neutrons. The proton is positively charged while the neutron is chargeless. In this way the nucleus is positively charged. A third type of particle surrounds the nucleus in different orbits. These particles are called electrons. A negative charge is equal to the positive charge of the proton on the electron. The number of electrons in an atom is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus, so the amount of positive charge and negative charge in the atom is equal. Thus nuclear is neutral.
    When one or more electrons are somehow removed from an atom, that atom becomes positively charged. Conversely if an atom gives one or more electrons, that atom becomes negative. Thus, an object's positive charge exhibits a shortage of electrons in its atoms and an excess of electrons in its atoms when the object is negatively charged.
    According to the design of atoms, the positive charge on the proton in its nucleus and the negative charge on the outer electron are associated with the attraction force. This attraction force is more near the nucleus and less when going away. Substances that have only one electron in their outer paths have less attraction to the electron nucleus. They are free. If special forces are applied to them, they can flow. Thus, the applied force is converted into electrical energy. Independent electrons have a blank space from which this energy can be transferred. The current of electrons is called electric current. The unit of electrical current is ampere.

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