Types of Fire And Fire Extinguisher

6 minute read

    What Is A Fire-

    Burning of any flammable substance is called fire. It produces light and heat. The three main components for burning a fire are oxygen, temperature, fuel.

    What Reason May be of Fire -

    The following causes of fire can be-
    1. Due to loosening of electrical wires, there is a high probability of fire.
    2. There is a high probability of fire due to high load on electrical wires.
    3. An electrical short circuit is more likely to cause a fire.
    Also read :kirchhoff's law
    4. Firing of burning residue by smoking in factories is more likely to cause fire.
    5. Due to friction due to lack of oil in fast moving machines, fire is more likely to occur.
    6. Not taking flammable materials is also more likely to cause fire.

    How Many Types of Fire-

    The fire is divided into various categories as follows:

    1. Class A Type Fire -

    Fires in wood, paper, clothes, and solid metals are kept in Category A type of fire.
    To extinguish this type of fire, water is first poured into the bottom of the fire, then water fountains are poured over the fire.

    2. Class B Type Fire -

    Fires in flammable liquids and in soluble solids are placed in Category B type fires. Carbon dioxide, foam and dry powder are used to extinguish this type of fire. Water should not be used to extinguish this type of fire.

    3. Class C Type fire

    Fires in Gains and Liquefied Gains are kept in Category C type of fire. The fire of liquified gas should be extinguished with more caution as there is always a fear of explosion and sudden fire. Fire extinguishers with dry powder are used to extinguish this type of fire.

    4. Class D Type Fire -

    Fires in metal or electrical circuits are placed in Category D type fires. Carbon dioxide, dry powder, CTC fire extinguishers are used to extinguish this type of fire.

    What Is A Fire Extinguisher -

    Fire extinguishers should be properly fitted in all workshops and offices. So that the fire caused by electricity or for any other reason can be extinguished. It is a device by which the fire can be extinguished by stopping the oxygen of the burning object. For extinguishing fire, different types of fire extinguishers are used for different types of fire, which are as follows-

    1. Water Type Fire Extinguisher - 

    In this type of water, water is filled with air pressure. Pressing the lever produces a water splash by which the fire is extinguished.
    This type of machine is used to extinguish fire involving wood, cloth, jute, paper etc.

    2. Foam Type Fire Extinguisher -

    These devices are of foam stored pressure or gas cartridge type. It consists of two containers, one external and the other internal. Soda bicarbonate solution in Bahna container and aluminum sulfate solution in internal container are filled. When this device is turned upside down to extinguish the fire, the solution mixes and a chemical reaction takes place whereby bubbles of carbon dioxide are produced, thereby extinguishing the fire. Its body P is made of brown hand mark from which it can be identified.
    This device is used to extinguish the fire from diesel, kerosene, petrol.
    This device should not be used to extinguish electrical fires as water and foam are good conductors of electricity.

    3. Soda Acid Type Fire Extinguisher -

    This type of device is of conical or cylindrical shape. Inside it is a small glass flask filled with sulfuric acid over a mixture of soda and water. When this device is used to extinguish the fire, it is reversed so that the acid reacts chemically with the mixture and produces carbon dioxiou that leaks out of the cylinder hoses. It has a yellow hand mark on its body for identification.
    This device is used to extinguish fire in wood, paper, clothes etc. This device should not be used to extinguish petrol, oil, spirit or electrical fire.

    4. Carbon dioxide type fire extinguisher -

    This type of device has a horn type nozzle to identify it as well as CO2 written on the cylinder. It contains a solution of sodium bicarbonate and in this a glass bottle contains sulfuric acid. A bolt is placed on the top of the bottle in such a way that the glass bottle breaks when the device is inverted, causing chemical reaction by exposure to the acid of sodium bicarbonate sulfur, which produces carbon dioxide gases which are ignited by electricity. And it can be used to extinguish fires in liquids.

    5.CTC / Hellon Types Fire Extinguisher -

    It consists of a cylindrical metal container filled with a pressure of liquid air called carbonatetrachloride or bromochlorodifluoro methane. On pressing the lever of the device, fluid starts coming out. This fluid covers the burning object, thereby eliminating the effect of oxygen on it and extinguishing the fire.

    6. Dry Powder Types Fire Extinguisher -

    Dry powder is filled in this type of fire extinguisher. These gas can be both cartaged or stored. It has a nozzle shaped nozzle from which it is identified. It is used to extinguish flames in flammable liquids and solids.

    #Fire, #Types of Fire, # Fire Extinguisher

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