ITI Electrician Objective Type Question Answer In English || Series-08||

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ITI Electrician Objective Type Question Answer In English

1. What is filled between the plates in a lead acid cell?
(A) dilute sulfur
(B) Red lead pulp
(C) spongy lead
(D) All of the above
Answer - (B)

2. The capacity of the battery is measured?
(A) Ampere
(B) Ampere in seconds
(C) Ampere hours
(D) according to voltage
Answer - (C)

3. Which of the following is the SI unit of flux density?
(A) Weber

(B) Maxwell
(C) Weber / m ^ 2
(D) ampere turn
Answer - (C)

4. Which metal is used in the manufacture of electrical magnets?
(A) soft iron
(B) steel
(C) Alnico
(D) Alconex
Answer - (A)

5. The cork screw rule is used to find which of the following?
(A) Value of current
(B) direction of magnetic field
(C) rotating direction of conductor
All of the above

 Answer - (B)

6. The induced current opposes the same, which is the rule that has arisen?
(A) Faraday's
(B) Fleming's law
(C) lenz' law
(D) All of the above
Answer - (C)

7. Which of the following is equal to 1 web?
(A) 1 Maxwell
(B) 10 ^ 8 Maxwell
(C) 10 ^ 5 line
(D) 10 ^ 5 Maxwell
Answer - (B)

8. Is SI unit of reluctance?
(A) ampere turn
(B) Ohm meter
(C) Ampere Turn / Webber
(D) Weber / Ampere Turn

Answer - (C)

9. Which of the following is a ferromagnetic substance?
(A) Cobalt
(B) aluminum
(C) copper
All of the above

Answer - (A) 

10. Which metal is made of magnetic core?
(A) Carbon
(B) Carbon steel
(C) Silicon steel
(D) Cast iron
Answer - (C) 

11. Heat coefficient is representative of
(A) π
(B) α
(C) 4
(D) μ
Answer- (B)

12. What percentage of normal current is given in trickle charging?
(A) 5 percent
(B) 3 percent
(C) 10 percent
(D) 100 percent
Answer - (B)

13. If an electric press takes 5 amperes current at a supply of 230 volts, its power will be?

(A) 1150 W
(B) 230 W
(C) 115 W
(D) 1540 W
Answer - (A)

15. At what ampere should the lead acid battery be charged?
(A) up to 10 amperes
(B) up to 6 amperes
(C) up to 25 amperes
(D) None of the above
Answer - (B)

16. Which of the following statements is true according to Kirchhoff's rule?
(A) Σl = 0
(B) ΣE = ΣIR
(C) Both A and B
(D) ΣP = I ^ 2 R
Answer - (C)

17. What if the direction of current flowing in a conductor is changed?
(A) magnetic field will not be generated
(B) The direction of the magnetic field will change
(C) Voltage will be zero
(D) Nothing will happen
Answer - (B)

18. Why is it interpreted?
(A) To avoid over-current
(B) For human security
(C) For the safety of the equipment
(D) For both B and C
Answer - (D)

19. The color of phase wire is kept in single phase system?
(A) Black
(B) Green
(C) Red
(D) Yellow
Answer - (C)

20. What will be the value of resistance in an open circuit?
(A) high
(B) zero
(C) infinite
(D) Low
Answer - (C)

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