ITI Electrician Objective Type Question Answer In English || Series-07|

3 minute read

1. Which solder is used for joint the object of aluminum?
Answer- (B)

2. Resistance of pure metals by increasing temperature?
(A) increases
(B) decreases
(C) No effect
(D) becomes zero
Answer- (A)

3. What is the specific resistance of copper to iron?
(A) 8 times less
(B) 8 times more
(C) equal
(D) 60 times less 1
Answer- (A)

4. What is the effect of electric current burning of bulb?
(A) Static law
(B) Chemical
(C) Thermal
(D) beam effect
Answer- (C)

5. Atoms are found in nucleus?
(A) Protons and electrons
(B) Neutron and proton
(C) Neutron and electron
(D) Proton
Answer- (B)

6. Which of the following is a symbol of resistivity?
(A) ∅
(B) R
(C) 𝛒
(D) Ω
Answer- (C)

7. What is the specific resistance of silver?
(A) 0.164
(B) 0.0164
(C) 70
(D) None of the above
Answer- (B)

8. TRICKLE charging is done to correct which fault?
(A) Sulfation
(B) Buckling
(C) Korogen
(D) Local verb
Answer- (A)

9. MCB has a full name?
(A) miniature circuit breaker
(B) Mini circuit breaker
(C) Main Current Board
(D) Miniature circuit board
Answer- (A)

10. If 5 cells is 1.5 volts each and the internal resistance is 0.25 ohms, then the total internal resistance when added in series will be?
(A) 5 ohms
(B) 1.25 ohm
(C) 12.5 ohms
(D) 7.5 ohms
Answer- (B)

11. Which of the following is equal to 1 weber?
(A) 1 Maxwell
(B) 108 Maxwell
(C) 105 line
(D) 105 Maxwell
Answer- (B)

12. Magnet Keeper is made of which metal?
(A) Carbon Steel
(B) Alnico
(C) soft iron
(D) Silicon Steel
Answer- (C)

13. Which of the following is a symbol of magnetic flux?
(A) 𝛔
(B) ∅
(C) B
(D) H
Answer- (B)

14. From the following, what is the rule of Helix used to find?
(A) magnetic field direction
(B) magnetic pole
(C) current direction
Answer- (B)

15. 5 cells are added in parallel, each cell is of 2 volts, then the total voltage will be
(A) 10 volts
(B) 2 volts
(C) 5 volts
(D) 12 volts
Answer- (B)

16. How many watts are there in a metric HP?
(A) 1.34
(B) 1.36
(C) 735.5
(D) 746
 Answer- (C)

17. What is the temperature tolerance of dielectric E class?
(A) 105 ℃
(B) 130 ℃
(C) 120 ℃
(D) 155 ℃
Answer- (C)

18. Resistance to increasing temperature of carbon -
(A) decreases
(B) increases
(C) No effect
(D) becomes zero
Answer- (A)

19. Brown black green color determination will be the value of?
(A) 470KΩ
(B) 100KΩ
(C) 1MΩ
(D) 10MΩ
Answer- (C)

20. Which lamp will have more current at the same voltage used?
(A) 100 W
(B) 60 W
(C) 40 W
(D) 25 W
Answer- (A)

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