When a conductor such as a wire connected to a circuit passes through a magnetic field, an electric current is induced in the wire due to Faraday's law of induction.
There can be two possible directions of current in a wire. In which direction does Fleming's right-hand rule move the current flow.
The thumb is pointed in the direction of motion of the conductor relative to the magnetic field.
The first finger is pointed in the direction of the magnetic field. By convention, this is the direction of the magnetic pole from north to south.
Then the second finger represents the direction of induced or generated current within the conductor (+ to -, for terminals with low electric potential for the terminal, with high electric potential, such as in a voltage source).
Bold letters given in the instructions above give an important way to remember the order.
Another epistemic initial term to remember the rule is "FBI", which stands for force (or otherwise motion), B symbol for magnetic field, and I symbol for current.
Later letters correspond to later fingers, counting from above:
thumb → F; First finger → B; Second finger → I.
It also has Fleming's left-hand rule (for electric motors). The appropriately assigned rule can be remembered by the letter "G", which is in "right" and "generator".
These epidemics were named after the British engineer John Ambrose Fleming, who invented them.