DC Generator MCQs In English -01

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DC Generator MCQs -01

DC Generator MCQs -01

1. Often the armature is made up of?
(A) High carbon steel
(B) Iron
(C) Silicon steel
(D) soft steel
Answer- (C)
2. Which winding is done for low voltage and high current
(A) wave winding
(B) lap winding
(C) joint winding
(D) Aggregated winding
Answer- (B)
3. What is the function of commutator?
(A) Collecting current from armature conductor
(B) Sending of current in external circuit
(C) Collecting current from armature conductor and turning it into direct current
(D) connecting the ends of the winding
Answer- (C)
4. Brush is made more of carbon than copper as compared to copper?
(A) Carbon has a high resistance
(B) Carbon resistance is low
(C) Carbon is cheaper
(D) Carbon does not wear
Answer- (A)
5. What is the number of parallel paths in lap winding?
(A) 4
(B) 6
(C) Equal to number of poles
(D) 8
Answer- (C)

6. What is known from the right hand rule of fleming?
(A) direction of emf generated
(B) the direction of current in the motor
(C) direction of rotation of the generator
(D) direction of face
Answer- (A)
7. Is it necessary to generate emf in a conductor?
(A) a constant magnetic flux and a stable conductor
(B) conductor and rotating magnetic flux with zero relative velocity
(C) one rotating conductor or magnetic flux
(D) Plusing magnetic flux and rotating conductor
Answer- (C)
8. The mechanical power source that drives the generator is often known
(A) Prime Mover
(B) coupler
(C) Driver
(D) Trailer
Answer- (A)
9. Which substance is used in split ring?
(A) Iron
(B) Copper
(C) Gold
(D) Silver
Answer- (B)
10. What will be the output voltage obtained by the split ring in the generator?
(A) South Current
(B) oscillating current
(C) alternating current
(D) None of these
Answer- (A)
11. For alternating current to obtain sine wave?
(A) The number of coils in the armature should be more
(B) Two slip rings are required.
(C) coil has to rotate with more number of poles
(D) coil must rotate through a uniform magnetic field
Answer- (D)
12. Commutator segments are made?
(A) Hard Drawn copper
(B) Brass
(C) aluminum
(D) Enameled wire
Answer- (A)
13. Used to distribute the magnetic flux symmetrically on the circumference of the armature?
(A) Yoke
(B) field winding
(C) pole shoe
(D) power pole
Answer- (C)
14. D.C. What is often the resistance of the armature of the machine?
(A) 1 Ohm
(B) 10 Ohms
(C) 100 Ohms
(D) 1000 Ohms
Answer- (A)
15. The emf in Any D.C. generated is the highest when
(A) when the driver rotates vertically in the minimum magnetic field
(B) The conductor rotates in parallel from the highest flux region.
(C) The rate of flux change is the highest.
(D) The rate of flux change is minimal.
Answer- (C)
16. A D.C. machine is cutting 3000 cycles in a minute, how many revolutions will it make in one second?
(A) 50 RPM
(B) 100 RPM
(C) 25 RPM
(D) 150 RPM
Answer- (D)
17. In A Separately Excited D.C.generated If the speed of the generator is kept constant then what other factor influences the emf?
A Separately Excited D.C.generated If the speed of the generator is kept constant then what other factor influences the emf?
(A) terminal voltage
(B) armature voltage
(C) Sparking on brushes
(D) Area Flux Capacity
Answer- (D)
18. What may be the reason for the low contact of the brush over the commutator
(A) Open circuit in commutator riser
(B) Short circuit in commutator riser
(C) Low Bruce Stress
(D) High Brush Stress
Answer- (C)
19. Which generator can generate voltage even without residual magnetism?
(A) Compound generator
(B) Separate heat generating generators
(C) Shunt generator
(D) series generator
Answer- (B)
20. How are Interpol connected with armature?
(A) Parallel to the armature and its polarity is opposite to the pole next to them.
(B) Pole parallel to the armature and the pole ahead of it
(C) In the category of armature but opposite to the main pole, the polarity
(D) In ​​the range of armature but in the generator, their polarity is similar to the main pole in front of them.
Answer- (D)

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