Transformer MCQ Questions And Answers In English Set -01

4 minute read
In this post, the questions related to MCQ On Transmission and Distribution In Hindi Set-03 have been brought for the trainees who are getting training in Electrician 2nd year.

In this, a total of 20 objective type questions are given. Which is important for ITI exam as well as all other competitive exams like SSC, JE, JVVNL Technical Helper, DRDO, Metro, RRB, UPPCL

Transformer MCQ Questions And Answers Set -01

Transformer MCQ Questions And Answers Set -01 (1-10)

1. Without changing the frequency, the voltage and current low-increasing devices are called ?

(A) Oscillator

(B) Battery

(C) diode

(D) Transformer

Ans :- (D)


2. What is Silica Gel used for?

(A) To absorb moisture

(B) to reduce the voltage

(C) To cool the transformer

(D) None of the above

Ans :- (A)


3. On what principle does the transformer work?

(A) electromagnetic splitting

(B) mutual induction

(C) self induction

(D) None of the above

Ans :- (B)


4. Which transformer is used in stabilizer ?

(A) Auto Transformer

(B) Current Transformer

(C) Potential Transformer


Ans :- (A)


5. Which transformer is used in clip on meter?

(A) Auto transformer

(B) current transformer

(C) Potential transformer


Ans :- (B)


6. By which connection can the three phase supply be converted into two phases?

(A) Delta delta connection

(B) Star Delta Connection

(C) by the Scott connection

(D) VV connection

Ans :- (C)


7. Which loss of transformer is determined by the short circuit test?

(A) Copper loss

(B) Iron loss

(C) hysteresis loss

(D) mechanical loss

Ans :- (A)


8. Which loss of transformer is determined by open circuit test.

(A) Copper loss

(B) Iron loss

(C) hysteresis loss

(D) mechanical loss

Ans :- (B)


9. The ends at which the supply will be given in the transformer are called?

(A) Starting Vending

(B) Primary Winding

(C) Secondary Winding

(D) Running Winding

 Ans :- (B)


10. What is a site with a high voltage in a transformer?

(A) Low Tension Line

(B) High Tension Line

(C) Primary Side

(D) Secondary Side

Ans :- (B)

Transformer MCQ Questions And Answers Set -01 (11-20)

11. Transformers which convert more voltage to lower voltage are called transformers.

(A) step up

(B) step down

(C) Both of the above

(D) any of the above

Ans :- (B)


12. Silica Gel is used

(A) Breather

(B) In the main tank

(C) In the conservator

(D) None of the above

Ans :- (A)


13. Transformer consists of safety relay

(A) Buchholz relay

(B) current relay

(C) Thermal relay

(D) None of the above

Ans :- (A)


14. The rating of the transformer is expressed

(A) Kilowatt

(B) kilo volt-ampere

(C) Horsepower

(D) brake horsepower

Ans :- (B)


15. By what name is the winding of the transformer known?

(A) Primary and Secondary

(B) Starting and Running

(C) Series and short windings


Ans :- (A)


16. Which metal is used to make transformer core

(A) Silicon Steel

(B) mild steel

(C) Cast iron

(D) Cast Steel

Ans :- (A)


17. Transformer oil is tested by which device

(A) leg tester

(B) Takeo meter

(C) Multimeter

(D) Oil testing kit

Ans :- (D)


18.What is used in Transformer to measure heat

(A) ammeter

(B) Voltmeter

(C) Pressure gauge

(D) Temperature gauge

Ans :- (D)


19. The transformer whose efficiency is 100 percent is called

(A) step up transformer

(B) step-down transform

(C) ideal transformer

(D) Auto Transformer

Ans :- (C)


20. The transformer in which the winding core is surrounded is called

(A) core type transformer

(B) Shell type transformer

(C) Both of the above

(D) any of the above

Ans :- (B)

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