Transformer MCQ Questions And Answers In English Set -02

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In this post, the MCQ Questions And Answers related to Transformer MCQ Questions And Answers Set -02 have been brought for the trainees who are getting training in Electrician 2nd year. All MCQ are very important for electrician and wireman trade online CBT exams.

In this, a total of 20 objective type questions are given. Which is important for ITI cbt exam as well as all other competitive exams like SSC, JE, JVVNL Technical Helper, DRDO, Metro, RRB, UPPCL etc.

Transformer MCQ Questions And Answers Set -02

Transformer MCQ Questions And Answers Set -02 (1-10)

1. On which principle does the transformer work -

(A) Mutual induction
(B) Motivation
(C) Ohm's law
(D) Fleming's law
Ans :- (A)

2. The winding that is connected to the input source in the transformer is called
(A) Primary Winding
(B) Secondary Winding
(C) Field Winding
(D) core winding
Ans :- (A)

3. Which electric current does the transformer act on -
(A) alternating current
(B) DC
(C) both
(D) None of these
Ans :- (A)

4. Efficiency of Transformer
(A) 70% to 78%
(B) 50%
(C) 50% to 80%
(D) 90% to 98%
Ans :- (D)

5. The core of the transformer is made up of -
(A) iron
(B) Aluminum
(C) Silicon steel
(D) Magnet
Ans :- (C)

6. The transformer which provides low output voltage by decreasing the input voltage is called -
(A) Step Up Transformer
(B) Step Down Transformer
(C) both
(D) None of these
Ans :- (B)

7. Which of the following is not a part of transformer -
(A) Breather
(B) Conservator
(C) armature
(D) core
Ans :- (C)

8. Formula of efficiency of transformer
(A) (input / output) × 100
(B) (Output / input) × 100
(C) Output / input +100
(D) input / output × 70
Ans :- (B)

9. How to stop the eddy current loss in the transformer.
(A) Laminated core
(B) Iron Core
(C) Auto Winding
(D) All these
Ans :- (A)

10. Which type of combination does not require a neutral point -
(A) Star
(B) Auto
(C) Primary
(D) Delta
Ans :- (D) 

Transformer MCQ Questions And Answers Set -02 (11-20)

11. Where is Silica Gel filled -
(A) Breather
(B) Conservator
(C) Core
(D) Winding
Ans :- (A)

12. Transformer with single winding is known as-
(A) step-up transformer
(B) step-down transformer
(C) Autotransformer

(D) None of these
Ans :- (C)

13. Rating of Transformer in
(A) kw
(C) KA
(D) W
Ans :- (B)

14. Which type of transformer is a machine
(A) rotation
(B) Move
(C) static
(D) All these
Ans :- (C)

15. Depending on the structure of the core, how many transformers are there -
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
Ans :- (C)

16. Output current in step up transformer are
(A) increases
(B) decreases
(C) equals
(D) All these
Ans :- (B)

17. If the primary winding has more turn than the secondary winding, then which transformer will it be -
(A) step up
(B) step down
(C) auto
(D) None of these
Ans :- (B)

18. In step up transformer........ increases
(A) voltage
(B) Section
(C) Power
(D) All these
Ans :- (A)

19. What is filled in the Conservator tank
(A) Silica gels
(B) wind
(C) water
(D) Oil
Ans :- (D)

20. What color does silica gel become after absorbing moisture?
(A) Pink
(B) Blue
(C) Black
(D) Green
Ans :- (A)

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