In this post, the MCQ Questions And Answers related to Transformer MCQ Questions And Answers Set -04
have been brought for the trainees who are getting training in
Electrician 2nd year. All MCQ are very important for electrician and
wireman trade online CBT exams.
In this, a total of 20 objective type questions are given. Which is important for ITI cbt exam as well as all other competitive exams like SSC, JE, JVVNL Technical Helper, DRDO, Metro, RRB, UPPCL etc.
Transformer MCQ Questions And Answers Set-04 (1-10)
1. To find out what a no load test is done on the transformer
(B) Magnetizing current
(C) Magnetizing current and Hania
(D) efficiency of transformer
Ans :- (C)
2. what find out by sumpner tested on the transformer
(A) temperature
(B) stray losses
(C) All day efficiency
(D) None of the above
Ans :- (A)
3. A transformer must have a magnetic flux flow path
(A) high resistance
(B) high reluctance
(C) low resistance
(D) low reluctance
Ans :- (D)
4. Dielectric strength of transformer oil is given
(A) 1 kV
(B) 33 kV
(C) 100 kV
(D) 330 kV
Ans :- (B)
5. What is permissible flux density for cold rolled grain oriented steel
(A) 1.7 Wb/m2
(B) 2.7 Wb/m2
(C) 3.7 Wb/m2
(D) 4.7 Wb/m2
Ans :- (A)
6. The material used for the construction of transformer cores is usually
(A) a wood
(B) copper
(C) aluminum
(D) Silicon Steel
Ans :- (D)
7. There is what relation between no load current and voltage in the transformer
(A) lags behind the voltage by about 75° degrees
(B) leads the voltage from about 75°
(C) lags behind the voltage by about 15°
(D) Takes the voltage up to about 15°
Ans :- (A)
8. When will the efficiency of the transformer be maximum
(A) Copper loss = hysteresis loss
(B) Hysteresis loss = eddy current loss
(C) Eddy current loss = copper loss
(D) copper Loss = iron loss
Ans :- (D)
9. Which winding has more number of turns in the transformer
(A) low voltage winding
(B) High voltage winding
(C) Primary Winding
(D) Secondary Winding
Ans :- (B)
10. Primary Winding of a Transformer
(A) There is always a low voltage winding
(B) There is always a high voltage winding
(C) Can be either low voltage or high voltage winding
(D) None of the above
Ans :- ( C)
Transformer MCQ Questions And Answers Set-04 (11-20)
11. The efficiency of a transformer is approx.
(A) 100 percent
(B) 98 percent
(C) 50 percent
(D) 25 percent
Ans :- (B)
12. A common method of cooling power transformers is
(A) Natural air cooling
(B) Air blast cooling
(C) Oil cooling
(D) any of the above
Ans :- (C) Oil cooling
13. How many degrees of no load current is behind the voltage in the transformer
(A) 180 °
(B) 120 ″
(C) 90 °
(D) 75 °
Ans :- (D)
14. For a given voltage in a given transformer, the losses occurring continuously despite the load changes are
(A) friction and closing losses
(B) copper losses
(C) Hysteresis and eddy current loss
(D) None of the above
Ans :- (C)
15. If the impedance of two transformers working in parallel are different in percentage then
(A) the transformer will be heated
(B) The power factor of both transformers will be the same
(C) Parallel operation will not be possible
(D) Parallel operation will be possible, but the power factors in which two transformers work will be different from the power factor of common load
Ans :- (D)
16. If R2 is the resistance of the secondary winding of the transformer and K is the transformation ratio, then the equivalent secondary resistance referred to the primary will be
(A) R /VK
(B) R/K2
(C) R2/K2
(D) R2/K
Ans :- (B)
17. Taping in a transformer is usually provided
(A) Primary Side
(B) Secondary Side
(C) Low voltage side
(D) High Voltage Side
Ans :- (C)
18. Transformer ratings are usually expressed in terms of
(A) volts
(B) Ampere
(C) KW
Ans :- (D)
19. When does the transformer breathe
(A) load increases on it
(B) The load on it decreases
(C) the load remains constant
(D) None of the above
Ans :- (B)
20. A transformer has a no-load current.
(A) high magnitude and low power factor
(B) high magnitude and high power factor
(C) low magnitude and high power factor
(D) low magnitude and low power factor
Ans :- (D)