What is single phase transformer

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What is single phase transformer

A single phase transformer is a type of transformer that operates on single phase power.

A transformer is a passive electrical device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another through the process of electromagnetic induction.

What is single phase transformer

It is commonly used to increase ('step up') or decrease ('step down') the voltage level between circuits.

Single phase transformers have a magnetic iron core that acts as a magnetic transformer part and a transformer copper winding as an electrical part.

A single phase transformer is a high-efficiency equipment for electrical equipment, and it has very little ventilation due to no mechanical friction in its operation.

Transformers are used in almost all electrical systems from low voltage to highest voltage levels.

It operates only by alternating current (AC) because the direct current (DC) does not create any electromagnetic induction.

Single-phase transformer working principle

The AC voltage source injects AC current through the primary winding of the transformer.

The AC current generates alternating electromagnetic fields. The magnetic field lines complete their circuit through an iron transformer core and transformer secondary circuit.

For this reason the voltage in the secondary winding is generated with the same frequency as the voltage on the primary side.

The induced voltage value is determined by Faraday's law.
F → frequency hertz
N → number of rotating curves
Φ → Flux Density Wb

If the load is connected to the secondary transformer, current will flow from the secondary winding.

Basically, single phase transformers can operate as step up transformers or step down transformers.

Single Phase Transformer Basic Construction

The main parts of a transformer are the winding, core, and isolation. The resistance value of the winding should be low and its winding is usually made of copper.

Very rarely it is made from aluminum, the windings are made by wrapping around the core and electrically it is isolated from the core.
Also, the winding turns have to be electrically isolated from each other. 

The transformer core is made up of pieces of very thin steel laminations that have high permeability. 

Its laminations are made in very thin 0. 25mm to 0.5 mm thin size so that the loss due to eddy current is very less.

Insulating varnishes are commonly used to keep them separate from each other. Transformer insulation can be provided as dry or liquid type. Dry type insulation is provided by synthetic resins, air, gas, or vacuum.

Single Phase Transformer Oil

It is used only for small-sized transformers (less than 500 kVA). Liquid is usually from using mineral oils as insulation.

Transformer oil has a long life cycle, good isolation characteristics, overload capability, and also cools the transformer. Oil insulation is always used for large transformers.

A single phase transformer has two windings, one on the primary and the other on the secondary side. They are mostly used in single-phase electric power systems.

Application of single phase transformer

Benefits of three single phase transformers
- Easy to move from one place to another
- Its maintenance is easy and cheap
- It can be easily put in spare
-Single phase transformers are widely used in commercial electronic devices for low voltage.
-They act as step-down voltage transformers and reduce the domestic voltage value to a value suitable for electronics supplies.
-On the other hand, a rectifier is usually added to convert AC voltage to DC voltage which is used in electronics applications.

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