ITI Electrician Electrostatics Objective Type Question Answer In English ||02||

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1. Which of the following capacitors will have the least variation ?
(A) Paper capacitor
(B) Ceramic capacitor
(C) Silver plated mica capacitor
(D) None of the above
Answer- (C)

2. Electric field intensity is a quantity
(A) scalar
(B) vector
(C) both (A) and (B)
(D) none of the above
Answer- (B)

3. Energy stored in the electric field of a capacitor C when charged
from a D.C source of voltage V is equal to joules
(A) CV2
(B) C2V
(C) CV2
(D) CV
4. A unit tube of flux is known as tube
(A) Newton
(B) Faraday
(C) Michale
(D) None of the above
5. A gang condenser is a
(A) polarised capacitor
(6) variable capacitor
(C) ceramic capacitor
(D) none of the above

6. Three capacitors each of the capacity C are given. The resultant
capacity 2/3 C can be obtained by using them
(A) all in series
(B) all in parallel
(C) two in parallel and third in series with this combination
(D) two in series and third in parallel across this combination

7. In a capacitor the electric charge is stored in
(A) metal plates
(B) dielectric
(C) both (A) and (B)
(D) none of the above

8. Which capacitor will be physically smaller for the same ratings ?
(A) Ceramic capacitor
(B) Paper capacitor
(C) Both will be of equal size
(D) None of the above
Answer- (A)
9. capacitors are mainly used for radio frequency tuning.
(A) Paper
(B) Air
(C) Mica
(D) Electrolytic
Answer- (B)

10. capacitors can be used only for D.C.
(A) Air
(B) Paper
(C) Mica
(D) Electrolytic
Answer- (D)

11. The units of volume charge density are
(A) Coulomb/meter
(B) Coulomb/meter
(C) Coulomb/meter
(D) Coulomb/meter

12. Paper capacitors usually have a tolerance of
(A) ± 5%
(B) ± 10%
(C) ± 15%
(D) ± 20%
Answer- (B)
13. The relative permittivity has the following units
(A) F/m
(B) m/F
(C) Wb/m
(D) no units
Answer- (C)

14. The value of dielectric constant for vacuum is taken as
(A) zero
(B) 1
(C) 4
(D) 10
Answer- (B)

15. The property of a capacitor to store electricity is called its
(A) capacitance
(B) charge
(C) energy
(D) none of the above
Answer- (A)

16. When the dielectric is homogeneous,the potential gradient is
(A) uniform
(B) non-uniform
(C) zero
(D) any of the above
Answer- (A)
17. The total deficiency or excess of electrons in a body is known as
(A) current
(B) voltage
(C) potential gradient
(D) charge
Answer- (D)

18. Which of the following material has least value of dielectric
constant ?
(A) Ceramics
(B) Oil
(C) Glass
(D) Paper
Answer- (B)

19. The unit of dielectric strength is given by
(A) V/m
(B) V2/m
(C) m/V
(D) m/V2
Answer- (A)

20. The unit of electric intensity is
(A) N/C2
(B) Wb/m2
(C) N/C
(D) N2/C

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